2011년 2월 21일 월요일

Muckrakers, not Scavengers

     As long as there are the letters ‘er’ at the last part of the word, it is reasonable to think that the word muckraker is used to explain a specific kind of a person. The word muck means garbages, or something dirty and minor. To rake is to look around and collect something. When combined, the two words create a word muckrake, which seems to explain an action of collecting garbages. This was the first feeling of impression of the word muckraker – a garbage collector. It is pretty much clear that the word itself does not feel that positive. However, just like the case of Lincoln Steffens and Upton Sinclair, the word can be interpreted as a positive, and actually it is now being used in positive purposes. Muckraker is a person who reveals the dark side of the society, not a person who continuously seeks around for underground information like a scavenger.

Lincoln Steffens, who was born in San Francisco, clearly shows that muckraker is a proud title. Steffens is a typical muckraker who seeks for some information as a journalist. He first started his work as a journalist in New York Evening Post, but later he moved to McClure’s magazine, and began to build his career as a muckraker. He mainly focused on the government and corruptions, leaving several outcomes, represented by The Shame of the Cities. In the book, he showed the corrupted part of the U.S government and stirred up the emotions of American citizens. By reading it, U.S citizens could see the undiscovered and corrupted part of the government and began to eager for a change. He greatly contributed to the improvement of U.S government by showing the hidden wrongdoings of politicians. Therefore, the life of Steffens is an appropriate example that shows the benefit of muckrakers.

Upton Sinclair, from Maryland, also prooves the beneficial part of muckraker. Sinclair was a journalist who concentrated on revealing problems in food industry. One of his famous works is The Jungle, he accused the system of meatpacking industry which showed the problems that can be found in unregulated capitalism. The system was so dirty and unhumane that any people who realizes the system would feel awkward in having those meats. He looked around for the wrong parts of the industry and publicized those problems as an attack to the capitalist enterprises. However, even the effect was not expected, the readers of the book were so touched by the facts lying under the industry that they stopped buying meats, cutting down the purchase of meats to the half. Sinclair made clear that the effect was unexpected by saying, "I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach." However, although it was not done intentionally, Sinclair greatly helped the food industry to improve. His works shows the possibility of muckrakers to change the world into a better one.

The term muckraker itself can be interpreted badly as it is a combination of not quite positive words. Some of the people might even regard muckrakers as sly, cunning scavengers. However, the examples of Lincoln Steffens and Upton Sinclair clearly shows that muckrakers are working hard to Improve the society. Therefore, the term muckraker is a word that we should accept with an honor. 

2011년 2월 14일 월요일

I like guitars!


     "I like turtles." Such simple three words swept throughout the United States as one of the funniest  humor. People around the world watched the video of a boy saying those words for so many times on youtube. The boy in the video became so famous that he even stunned his sister with is fame. However, the words themselves, "I like turtles", are not that funny at all. Suppose you heard a man introducing himself and saying "I like guitars." Are you going to laugh out for his words, regarding the words as the best humor? I guess you won't, because that will seem to be a kind of mocking and can even spoil the man's mood. In this case, what is the point of the humor of a boy? The boy became so famous because of the situation he was in, not because of the words he made. 
     The case of Homer Simpson shows how a situation can change simple words into a joke. Homer is a character that seems a bit stupid, and he continues to say something that does not fit to the situation at all. For example, Lisa blames Homer for eating up the whole sausages for breakfast, but Homer replies to Lisa by saying “Hmmmm, breakfast…….” Which can not be the answer for the blame at all. Moving to the case of the turtle boy, we can easily find the similarity between Homer and the boy. The point is that their replies did not fit to the situation. The question given to the boy was not about his preference of turtles, but about his zombie costume. However, the boy answered to the reporter by saying something that is not related to the question. This changed the simple three words into a non sequitur, and caused the watcher of the video to laugh.
     The fact that a boy likes a turtle is not an interesting humor. The funny part is the situation that does not fit to the answer of the boy. If the boy was in school and was talking about which animals he likes, the words “I like turtles” would not be so humorous. The boy became famous throughout the U.S because he was being interviewed by a news reporter and spurted out a non sequitur, not because he said that he likes turtles.