2011년 6월 13일 월요일

Additional work

1. Four years have been miserable in this school, like a hellhole.

This quote is made by a student who studies in a school in America. I know that most of the students don’t really like school, but a hellhole? I also don’t like school but not that much. This quote shows how students are satisfied with their school – not at all.

2. How much? The more, the better.

This is a quote made by a principal when she was asked, “How much money do you need for teaching students?” When the parents of the students say, “My children learn nothing from the school.” the schools say “We need more money to provide education with better quality.“ However, it is ridiculous to say so while many schools spent a great amount of money to build swimming pools and gyms. Are they helpful for the students in academic ways? Not really.

3. South Carolina over 12 years spent nearly a hundred thousand dollars on Dorian's education but they left him behind.

This is made by the narrator. Dorian is a student who attended school in South Carolina for 12 years. However the boy could not read at all. Therefore his mother took him to a private education center and asked them to let her child read. The center provided 72 hours of education using computer and workbooks. The result? Dorian achieved reading skill of second grader’s level.

4. They were giving him the answers and he said they were teaching me to cheat, so they could pass him on to the next grade, the no child left behind thing, you know.

Isn’t it insane? A mother is accusing the reality of American school. One day her son said, “The school is teaching me to cheat.” She asked what happened in the school, and as the consequence she knew that the school taught him just the answers and told him to cheat and pass the exam.

5. It's almost impossible.

What’s impossible? To fire a teacher. A teacher sent a sexual e-mail to a 16 year old student, but the school could not fire him because of the teachers union. It takes more than a year to fire a teacher in official process. The school has to care teachers equally no matter how they work in school. They are paid equally even when they do remarkably, normally, or terribly.

2011년 6월 1일 수요일

30 things about me

1. I love music – not just listening but playing instruments or composing melodies.

2. I am interested in foods so I always concentrate on eating new foods when I travel around.

3. I have to older sisters. They are about 10 years older then I.

4. I am going to major in computer.

5. I like to help others so I wrote about 70 pages of note that can help students for java class.

6. I know how to make friends but it’s only limited to boys.

7. I am not interested in wealth.

8. I usually spend time playing computer games when I am free and I play most of the games very well but I know that I should not be proud of it.

9. I love playing basketball but I think I am not gifted in playing basketball.

10. My ultimate dream is to be a farmer.

11. I was born in Seoul and raised in Seoul but some people think I am Gyeongsangdian because of my accent. (my parents were born in Gyeongsangdo so I think I was influenced by them)

12. I prefer walking to riding because it gives me a lot of time to think. I like walking alone.

13. I really hate pepper.

14. I am lazy.

15. I am really good at cleaning but I don’t clean my room.

16. I like teaching people – it is worthwhile to do.

17. I always criticize society or system but I don’t try to change the society because I know I will suffer a lot if I try to do so.

18. I am introvert.

19. I am very talkative in front of my friends.

20. I am planning to major in natural science class but I think I am more talented in liberal art.

21. I love movies but I don’t watch them much because I rather play computer games.

22. I usually feel sense of responsibility strongly.

23. I seldom cut my right hand nails because I need long nails in order to play the guitar.

24. I hate idols( I mean the singers), but I like Hyun-a.

25. I am a devout Catholic.

26. I am optimistic.

27. I love animals but I didn’t have time to contact them when I was young.

28. I really love noodles(every kinds of them).

29. I sweat a lot, so I don’t like hot weather.

30. I often lacks self confidence.

2011년 5월 1일 일요일

For the sake of the students all around the world

Basically there are two different kinds of education. One is public education, and one is private education. The idea that public education must be the major part of education is general nowadays. Most people claim that public education must be reinforced because too much private education can cause educational inequality. They also think that teaching citizens is one of the obligations that the government must fulfill. However, others believe it is much better to leave the responsibility of education to the individuals. The research about autistic savants, and the cases of public education in America and Korea, shows that private education is required instead of public education. I believe students must not rely on public education in order to succeed.

The cases of autistic savants can prove the efficiency of private education. Autistic savant means a person who seems to be autistic and does not adjust to the environment well but has a great talent on certain fields. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Thomas Edison are the proper examples of autistic savants. Those three figures are so famous that most people in the world remember them as great achievers. However, although they made great successes in their lives, they did not make successes in their school lives. The three famous figures did not get high grade in school exams. They could not develop their talents in the formulaic public education. Two of them – Einstein and Edison – even quit school before they enter college and spent their time in their home, because they failed to adjust to the system. However, after they quit school and started to study by themselves, they achieved many things and brought sensation to the academic circles. Public educations are done for all the students in the country, so the students cannot be educated in the ways that fit them best in the system. As the result, public education cannot help the students who have great talents but lack the ability to adjust to the form of public education. However, private educations are focused on a small number of students, so the students can have a great chance to develop their own skills in the way they are used to. To cover more diverse kinds of students, private education is much more efficient then public education.

The case of American public education shows why people should not rely on public education. Many people in America are satisfied with their public education. 57% of the parents showed their satisfaction of the public education, giving A or B grade to their own children’s school. However, the problem is that the public schools can’t control or teach the students properly. In a Youtube video, Stupid in America, the problem of public education is effectively revealed. It shows the picture of a real public school class. During the class, students do not pay attention to the teacher at all. Some of the students sleep, some walk over the desk, and some even play a board game during the class. The teacher wastes his class to say “Guys, listen!” or “Get back to your seat!” According to PISA(Program for International Student Assessment), American students ranked 25th in international Tests. There also is a case about a boy who went to school until he became 18, but still could not read. This is the problem of public education. Public education obviously lacks ability to teach the students well.

The case of Korea can show the efficiency of private education. In contrast to the case of America, the form of education system in Korea is far different. Koreans are famous for having high enthusiasm for education. Barrack Obama mentioned about the enthusiasm, “Even those who are poor insist that their children are getting the best education.” Actually the public education system in Korea is not that great, but it does not matter at all for Korean Students. In Korea, people expect literally nothing from the public education. Instead, most of the students get private educations in their own. Students pay additional time for ‘Hagwons’ after the school ends. They choose different classes on their own need, and supplement for their lack of understanding in certain subjects. As a result, Korean students became one of the smartest students in the world. They learn much harder things compared to the same age students in other countries and achieve better scores. This shows that private education is the more efficient way of teaching students than public education.

It is true that having a perfect public education system is the most idealistic way of educating students. Parents would not have to pay attention for their children’s education, and would need much less money to raise them. However, as shown in the examples above, public education cannot teach students properly. Therefore, people should try harder to develop better private education system in the future, which is the most efficient way of education.

The case of Finland also can strengthen the argument that people should not rely on public education. The education of Finland is generally known as a form of successful public education, because there is no ‘Hagwons’, but the students in Finland achieve great results compared to the students in other countries. However, the case actually must be interpreted in different ways. There are some hidden facts behind Finland education. There are mainly three paradoxes that the education system has. First, Students learn more when they are less taught. Second, Students learn more when they take lesser tests. Third, Best students in high school have more possibility to become elementary school teacher, instead of achieving some kind of great achievements. With these three paradoxes, it is proved that the reason of Finland students’ success in academic works is not the well developed public education system but something else. If students learn less when they are taught more, the education is not only useless but harmful. Therefore, even in Finland, public education is not a thing that people can rely on.

Deleted part.

2011년 4월 1일 금요일

Here it is, Mr.Garrioch.

Basically there are two different kinds of education. One is public education, and one is private education. The idea that public education must be the major part of education is general nowadays. Most of the people claim that public education must be reinforced because too much private education can cause educational inequality. They also think that teaching citizens is one of the obligations that the government must fulfill. However, others believe it is much better to leave the responsibility of education to the individuals. By comparing educations of different countries, it can be easily figured out that it is much more efficient to let students study in their own way. I believe the students must not rely on public education in order to success.

The case of American public education shows why people should not rely on public education. Fortunately, many people in America are satisfied with their public education. 57% of the parents showed their satisfaction of the public education, giving A or B grade to their own children’s school. However, the problem is that the public schools can’t control or teach the students properly. In a Youtube video, Stupid in America, the problem of public education is effectively revealed. It shows the picture of a real public school class. During the class, students do not pay attention to the teacher at all. Some of the students sleep, some walk over the desk, ans some even play a board game during the class. The teacher wastes his class to say “Guys, listen!” or “Get back to your seat!” According to PISA, stands for Program for International Student Assessment, American students ranked 25th in international Tests. There also is a case about a boy who went to school until he gets 18 but still could not read. This is the problem of public education. Public education obviously has no ability to teach the students well.

The case of Finland also can strengthen the argument that people should not rely on public education. The education of Finland is generally known as a form of successful public education, because there is no ‘Hagwons’, but the students in Finland achieve great results compared to the students in other countries. However, the case actually must be interpreted in different ways. There are some hidden facts behind Finland education. There are mainly three paradoxes that the education system has. First, Students learn more when they are less taught. Second, Students learn more when they take lesser tests. Third, Best students in high school have more possibility to become elementary school teacher, instead of achieving some kind of great achievements. With these three paradoxes, it is proved that the reason of Finland students’ success in academic works is not the well developed public education system but something else. If students learn less when they are taught more, the education is not only useless but harmful. Therefore, even in Finland, public education is not a thing that people can rely on.

The case of Korea can show the efficiency of private education. In contrast to the case of America, the form of education system in Korea is far different. Koreans are famous for having high enthusiasm for education. Barrack Obama mentioned about the enthusiasm, “Even those who are poor insist that their children are getting the best education.” Actually the public education system in Korea is not that great, but it does not matter at all for Korean Students. In Korea, people expect literally nothing from the public education. Instead, most of the students get private educations in their own. Students pay additional time for ‘Hagwons’ after the school ends. They choose different classes on their own need, and supplement for their lack of understanding in certain subjects. As a result, Korean students became one of the smartest students in the world. They learn much harder things compared to the same age students in other countries and achieve better scores. This shows that private education is the more efficient way of teaching students than public education.

It is true that having a perfect public education system is the most idealistic way of educating students. Parents would not have to pay attention for their children’s education, and would need much less money to raise them. However, as shown in the case of American and Finland education system, public education cannot teach students properly. Therefore, people should try harder to develop better private education system in the future, which is the most efficient way of education

Stupid in America

this is a Youtube video that clearly shows the problem of American public education. I was really surprised to see the attitudes of American students toward teachers.

2011년 3월 14일 월요일

the pink flamingo

     What is the purpose of explaining about pink flamingo? Is it really important that Americans once were captivated by pink flamingos? Price, the author of the passage, is talking about the ‘pink flamingo boom’ in America. The main points of the essay are the facts that caused the boom. Price says that the boldness of the phenomenon is that the object was flamingo, and that the color was pink. The facts themselves do not sound to be major. They are just facts, and make it hard to get the opinion of the author. However, giving the facts is not the ultimate goal of the passage. Price is actually criticizing Americans by explaining the event that actually happened in the past.
     Price is blaming Americans for their short-sighted and duplicitous aspect by showing the different attitude toward the pink flamingoes. In the first paragraph, the author shows the attitude of Americans toward the pink flamingoes during the ‘pink flamingo boom’. All the people loved pink flamingo so they bought many flamingo souvenirs. After that, she explains the attitude during the 1800s in the second paragraph. Americans in 1800s hunted the flamingo in order to get foods and the feathers. Price is showing how stupid the Americans were by contrasting the two different behaviors. How strange it is to get rid of every flamingo in the world and then long for the flamingoes so much to produce plastic models of flamingoes? These ironic behaviors clearly show how the Americans were short-sighted and duplicitous.
     Additionally, Price criticizes the appearance oriented form of American society. The third paragraph is about the second boldness of the flamingo boom, the color of the flamingo. Price claims that the flamingo was able to bring the boom because the flamingo was pink. She explains the social tendency to prefer the color pink at the time, by showing some examples that shows the Americans’ preference to pink. She mentioned that pink was the ‘hottest color’ during the decade. At that time, all the Americans liked pink and used the color on many things. However, this clearly proves that the American society was appearance oriented. Only the fact that the flamingo was pink became the reason of the fame of flamingo in America. The Americans simply followed the trend, not considering other facts but the appearance of flamingo. Price only gave a so simple and the only reason – the color – to explain the flamingo boom, making Americans seem to be blamable.
     The essay does not include any of the author’s own view about the flamingo boom literally, but she actually is expressing her own idea about the American culture. She is blaming Americans for their ironic and stupid behaviors in several ways. It is clear that the Americans in 1950s did something not reasonable, so the author achieved the goal on writing it.

2011년 2월 21일 월요일

Muckrakers, not Scavengers

     As long as there are the letters ‘er’ at the last part of the word, it is reasonable to think that the word muckraker is used to explain a specific kind of a person. The word muck means garbages, or something dirty and minor. To rake is to look around and collect something. When combined, the two words create a word muckrake, which seems to explain an action of collecting garbages. This was the first feeling of impression of the word muckraker – a garbage collector. It is pretty much clear that the word itself does not feel that positive. However, just like the case of Lincoln Steffens and Upton Sinclair, the word can be interpreted as a positive, and actually it is now being used in positive purposes. Muckraker is a person who reveals the dark side of the society, not a person who continuously seeks around for underground information like a scavenger.

Lincoln Steffens, who was born in San Francisco, clearly shows that muckraker is a proud title. Steffens is a typical muckraker who seeks for some information as a journalist. He first started his work as a journalist in New York Evening Post, but later he moved to McClure’s magazine, and began to build his career as a muckraker. He mainly focused on the government and corruptions, leaving several outcomes, represented by The Shame of the Cities. In the book, he showed the corrupted part of the U.S government and stirred up the emotions of American citizens. By reading it, U.S citizens could see the undiscovered and corrupted part of the government and began to eager for a change. He greatly contributed to the improvement of U.S government by showing the hidden wrongdoings of politicians. Therefore, the life of Steffens is an appropriate example that shows the benefit of muckrakers.

Upton Sinclair, from Maryland, also prooves the beneficial part of muckraker. Sinclair was a journalist who concentrated on revealing problems in food industry. One of his famous works is The Jungle, he accused the system of meatpacking industry which showed the problems that can be found in unregulated capitalism. The system was so dirty and unhumane that any people who realizes the system would feel awkward in having those meats. He looked around for the wrong parts of the industry and publicized those problems as an attack to the capitalist enterprises. However, even the effect was not expected, the readers of the book were so touched by the facts lying under the industry that they stopped buying meats, cutting down the purchase of meats to the half. Sinclair made clear that the effect was unexpected by saying, "I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach." However, although it was not done intentionally, Sinclair greatly helped the food industry to improve. His works shows the possibility of muckrakers to change the world into a better one.

The term muckraker itself can be interpreted badly as it is a combination of not quite positive words. Some of the people might even regard muckrakers as sly, cunning scavengers. However, the examples of Lincoln Steffens and Upton Sinclair clearly shows that muckrakers are working hard to Improve the society. Therefore, the term muckraker is a word that we should accept with an honor. 

2011년 2월 14일 월요일

I like guitars!


     "I like turtles." Such simple three words swept throughout the United States as one of the funniest  humor. People around the world watched the video of a boy saying those words for so many times on youtube. The boy in the video became so famous that he even stunned his sister with is fame. However, the words themselves, "I like turtles", are not that funny at all. Suppose you heard a man introducing himself and saying "I like guitars." Are you going to laugh out for his words, regarding the words as the best humor? I guess you won't, because that will seem to be a kind of mocking and can even spoil the man's mood. In this case, what is the point of the humor of a boy? The boy became so famous because of the situation he was in, not because of the words he made. 
     The case of Homer Simpson shows how a situation can change simple words into a joke. Homer is a character that seems a bit stupid, and he continues to say something that does not fit to the situation at all. For example, Lisa blames Homer for eating up the whole sausages for breakfast, but Homer replies to Lisa by saying “Hmmmm, breakfast…….” Which can not be the answer for the blame at all. Moving to the case of the turtle boy, we can easily find the similarity between Homer and the boy. The point is that their replies did not fit to the situation. The question given to the boy was not about his preference of turtles, but about his zombie costume. However, the boy answered to the reporter by saying something that is not related to the question. This changed the simple three words into a non sequitur, and caused the watcher of the video to laugh.
     The fact that a boy likes a turtle is not an interesting humor. The funny part is the situation that does not fit to the answer of the boy. If the boy was in school and was talking about which animals he likes, the words “I like turtles” would not be so humorous. The boy became famous throughout the U.S because he was being interviewed by a news reporter and spurted out a non sequitur, not because he said that he likes turtles.